ULVAA Newsletter: Summer 2024

Welcome to your summer 2024 ULVAA newsletter

John Tandy Final Year Student Award Winner Announced

We are delighted to welcome the Class of 2024 to ULVAA, who have chosen Tobias Hunter as the recipient of John Tandy Final Year Student Award. The award is in memory of a former committee member who was an enthusiastic supporter of the School of Veterinary Science and its students.

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Supporting the next generation of Veterinary students

ULVAA receives donations from alumni in support of the student experience. Here we share a round-up of 2023-24 activity that received grants from the Vets Student Experience Fund.

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Vet Class Notes

Updates from your fellow alumni, including Andrew O'Donnell who is completing an ultramarathon for the Katie Piper Foundation. We wish Andrew the best of luck and look forward to following him on his ultramarathon journey.

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Graduates of the Vets school reunite for a dinner

Class of 1979 Reunion

The Class of 1979 met for their annual reunion, this time at Crabwell Manor in Chester. Their reunion included a guided tour of Leahurst campus, with Professor Paul Lunn sharing an insight into plans for its future.

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Marking Stress Awareness Month with Professor Rob Pettitt

Rob Pettitt (BVSc 2002) has been an active mental health advocate in the veterinary community, and shares his advice on coping with stress.

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World Veterinary Day 2024: Clare Okell

Clare Okell (BVSc 2009) is the founder of The Pangolin Project. She shares her experience and advice for alumni with a passion for animal advocacy.

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Bee on a flower with the words 'World Bee Day' next to it along with Suzetta Cameron BVSc BSc MSc MRCVS (BVSc 1994)

World Bee Day 2024: Suzetta Cameron

Suzetta Cameron (BVSc 1994) is an original member of the British Bee Veterinary Association. She shares the importance of World Bee Day.

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World Environment Day 2024: Ellie Duffy

Ellie Duffy (BVSc 2016) is a sustainability advocate and the Operations Manager for Vet Sustain, a not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to sustainability in the veterinary profession. She shares practical advice for fellow vets.

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Brown puppy resting in the shade, with marking between eyes to indicate that it has been vaccinated against rabies

World Zoonoses Day 2024: Amy Lewis

Amy Lewis (BVSc 2017) shares the role she plays in advancing One Health as International Project Manager with the charity Mission Rabies.

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Veterinary Student Research Spotlight

We are delighted to share an insight into what current veterinary students are researching and publishing.

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