Back where it all began: Marine Biology Class of 1978 reunite on the Isle of Man

Posted on: 22 April 2024 by Peter Morgan (BSc Marine Biology, 1978) in 2024

A reunion weekend of walks and reminiscing on the Isle of Man for the 1978 Marine Biology cohort
A reunion weekend of walks and reminiscing on the Isle of Man for the 1978 Marine Biology cohort

In April 2024, the 1978 Marine Biology cohort came together for a reunion back where it all started: the Isle of Man.

Reunion attendee Peter Morgan (BSc Marine Biology, 1978) shares an insight into their weekend together:

“So, regarding our reunion on at Port Erin on the Isle of Man, this was the fourth time our cohort of eighteen Marine Biology graduates from 1975-78 have got together, and the first time since we met up in the Lake District in 2014. Credit goes to John Anfield (BSc Marine Biology 1978) for taking the lead and doing the lion's share of the organisation. This time we managed to track everyone down thanks to some impressive detective work by Tim Webb (BS Marine Biology 1978) involving ships passenger records and directors listed on Companies House! Twelve of the eighteen made it to Port Erin from 19th to 22nd April; Port Erin is where Liverpool University had its marine laboratory from 1892 until 2006, and where we all spent our final honours year and took our final exams. Many happy and lifelong memories!

Lots of time was spent remembering old times, catching up after many years (in some cases many decades!) and once again enjoying each other's company during walks, steam train rides, many pub drinks, and a semi-formal dinner at the Falcon's Nest Hotel. We were joined by some of our former lecturers, still resident on the Isle of Man, including Andy Brand (the last Professor at the marine laboratory), Richard Hartnoll, and Roger Pullin as well as several other former staff and post graduate students.

Being blessed with excellent weather made this an incredibly special long weekend and we all left with renewed vows to stay connected, to meet up individually and to organise at least one other reunion; perhaps in 2028 which will mark half a century since graduation!”

The weekend included a semi-formal dinner at the Falcon’s Nest Hotel on the island
The weekend included a semi-formal dinner at the Falcon’s Nest Hotel on the island

A special thank you to Peter for getting in touch and sharing an insight into a treasured weekend, and to John and Tim for their efforts in organising the reunion. If you have also enjoyed a recent reunion and would like your story to be featured, share your experience with us via

If you would be interested in organising a reunion with your University friends – whether that be old hallmates, coursemates, or sports teammates – contact the Alumni Relations team via to discuss how we can support your event.

Keywords: 2024, Reunion.