
Our volunteering opportunities

Here you can find a list of volunteering opportunities that are currently available. Can't find what you're looking for? Get in touch using the details below!

Advertise graduate and placement vacancies

Time required: 15-30 minutes

If you are a member of the alumnni community or a graduate employer and would like to advertise vacancies or placements to current students and recent graduates, please register your interest.

Alternatively contact Volunteer Engagement Officer Victoria Gilmore, who can share more about this opportunity including how to sign-up to Handshake (the University of Liverpool's careers platform).


Submit your alumni profile

Time required: 15-30 minutes

As a graduate, you can share your insights and career successes to show what can be achieved with a University of Liverpool degree and inspire current and prospective students.

Fill in the profile form and inspire the next generation of University of Liverpool students!


Become a mentor with LivUni Mentors

LivUni Mentors is a fantastic program that offers you the opportunity to share your career advice and story with current students and fellow alumni through informal mentoring via Handshake.

Find out how to become a LivUniMentor.


Speak at an event

Time required: 2+ hours

Alumni frequently return to the University to speak to students about getting started in their career. By talking about your experiences at University or a project you’ve worked on, you will add a real-world element to our students’ learning. Talks and panel events can be delivered both in person and online, so alumni from all over the world can take part! We have many speaker series at the University, taking place mostly during the autumn and spring.

Register your interest via our volunteering form and we will be in touch once an opportunity arises.


Get involved in innovation and enterprise activities

Time required: 2+ hours

We are always looking for alumni volunteers with experience as entrepreneurs and innovators to support our current students and young alumni who have started their own business. Get in touch if you are interested in either speaking at an event, delivering a session or workshop, being a judge in a business competition, or other enterprise related activities.

Get involved by contacting Volunteer Engagement Manager Chantel Baldry.


Become a school governor

Time required: 2+ hours a month

By volunteering just a few hours each month, you could make a vital contribution to improving local education as a school or college governor. Governors work collaboratively with senior staff to drive school improvement; they oversee a school or college’s financial management and strategic direction, as well as analysing school performance – the role is similar to that of a charity trustee. No prior experience is needed and free training is provided. You can find out more about becoming a school governor at Governors for schools website or by emailing: info@governorsforschools.org.uk.

Click here to apply.

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