Volunteer spotlight: Shubh Kantharia
Posted on: 30 May 2023 by Development and Alumni Relations team in 2023

Shubh is a 2022 MSc Marketing graduate and he returned to the campus earlier this year to take part in a ‘Your Futures’ event to inspire and give advice to current students who are getting ready to take their first steps in their careers.
About the experience, Shubh commented: “The event was a new and exciting experience for me, something that I have done previously with peers but not specifically on such a big scale. The turnout was good, the event was engaging and I enjoyed every second of it.”
Shubh felt that the event was a great way for students to ask difficult questions and clear any doubts they have about their first steps in the job market: “The questions asked by the interviewer and by the audience were interesting and involved brain-storming as well. I enjoyed supporting the students with any of their concerns, and the event did really well in getting the students in the audience to speak their mind about any doubts they had. It's a great environment to be in where the panellists and the audience can have an engaging discussion.”
Having been in the students’ shoes, he feels that it was natural for him to get involved in the event and give his time: “As a former student myself, I understand the challenges that are part of the student life and that come after graduation, it makes sense for me to help and support students facing similar issues to mine and making them feel more confident in the abilities.”
Thinking about his university experience, Shubh remembers fondly the time he spent working on presentations and group projects with his classmates during his course, and feels that his masters’ degree gave him key knowledge and skills that he still uses today.
A big thank you to Shubh and other fellow alumni volunteers who have supported this and other events to boost the confidence of current students and help them prepare for life after graduation!
Keywords: 2023, Volunteering.