Discover alumni volunteer opportunities this National Volunteers' Week

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This National Volunteers’ Week, we have recapped the activity of the past year and celebrated the important role our international alumni volunteers play in keeping our global alumni community connected with one another. We hope you are feeling inspired, and considering ways you can give back to your old University too! Read on for insights from some of our alumni volunteers, sharing what their volunteer role involves and how you can take part too.

Alumni Association Volunteering: University of Liverpool Veterinary Alumni Association

Alumni volunteer Christina Ratcliffe

Christina Ratcliffe, a Class of 2020 Veterinary Science graduate, is the Communications Officer for the University of Liverpool Veterinary Alumni Association (ULVAA), who works hard to keep alumni connected to one another and the School. Here she shares why she volunteers, and ways other veterinary science alumni can get involved.

“The alumni community supported lots of activities during my studies, so when I graduated, I wanted to give back to ULVAA as they had done so much to boost my student experience.

As a student, I was frequently struck by the amazing breadth of achievements and experiences in our alumni community. Now I can tell these stories through e-newsletters and our dedicated Facebook and LinkedIn channels.

You can get involved by engaging with our content on Facebook and LinkedIn – I would particularly love to see more alumni sharing their news, updates, and opportunities in our new LinkedIn group.

We share ad-hoc volunteering opportunities in our newsletters and via social media and there's also the option of joining our committee. We currently have an opening on the committee for the role of Social Media Officer to help create and manage content on Facebook and LinkedIn.

I've been part of the ULVAA committee for less than a year but already I have been in touch with so many inspiring members of our community, which is one of the great privileges of my role volunteering with ULVAA!”

If you would like to express your interest in volunteering opportunities with ULVAA, please email

Mentoring: LivUni Mentors

LivUni Mentors: Seeing through the eyes of another

Prajul Vishnu, a Class of 2023 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management postgraduate, is one of our alumni mentors on LivUni Mentors: a low-commitment, high-impact mentoring programme hosted via Handshake. Here he shares why he volunteers, and why others should consider becoming mentors.

“My inspiration to become an alumni volunteer stemmed from the profound impact my university experiences had on my personal and professional growth. The support and guidance, as well as the initiatives from the alumni community, I received were instrumental in shaping my career and values. I wanted to give back to the community that had given me so much, and volunteering seemed like the perfect way to do so.

One of the most fulfilling volunteering opportunities I’m currently taking part in is LivUni Mentors, which aims to provide guidance and support as students navigate their time at university and enter the professional world. As a mentor, I have the privilege of working closely with a few students, helping them navigate job searches, refine their resumes, and develop essential career skills. Witnessing their growth and progress is incredibly rewarding. The programme not only helps students gain confidence and clarity in their career paths but also reinforces the importance of giving back and staying connected to the University community.”

If you would like to sign-up as a mentor with LivUni Mentors, you can do so by completing this form.

Event Speaking: Careers talks

Alumni volunteer and advocate Lucky Ali

Lucky Ali, a Class of 2022 Biological and Medical Sciences postgraduate, has returned to campus to speak on Inspired Futures and Make and Impact panels with the University of Liverpool’s Careers and Employability service. She has provided insights into her industry, and tips for students aspiring to careers in Health & Social Care. She shares what volunteering means to her, and why she thinks others should get involved too.

“Volunteering fosters a spirit of cooperation and generosity, which are foundational elements of any strong community. As alumni volunteers, we help bridge the gap between past and present students, creating a continuum of support, knowledge, and encouragement. This not only enhances individual growth but also cultivates a culture of giving back that benefits the wider community.

To anyone considering volunteering, I would say, dive in and seize the opportunity! Volunteering is an incredibly enriching experience that allows you to make a tangible difference in the lives of others while also gaining new experiences and perspectives. It's fulfilling to know that my contributions have helped individuals make decisions, achieve their goals, and strengthen the bonds within our alumni community. I encourage everyone to get involved and experience the joy of making a positive impact in our community.”

Community volunteering: Governor for Schools

Alumni volunteer smiles out to camera

School governor and alumnus Mostafa Karim

Mostafa Karim, a Class of 2002 Pharmacology graduate, volunteers as a school governor through Governor for Schools. There are thousands of school governor vacancies in schools up and down the country, and the opportunity is well-suited to anyone looking to develop their transferable skills or wanting to give back to their local community.

"Having been a foster carer for a decade and accumulating over 20 years of experience in safeguarding, SEND and child development, I decided to become a school governor. Being a school governor is not only valuable but transformative. I wholeheartedly recommend this role to others who seek a meaningful and impactful way to contribute to the education sector. My experiences in the world of online connections and entrepreneurship have created a powerful narrative that underscores the importance of diversity, empathy, and innovation in shaping the future of education. I encourage anyone passionate about making a difference to embrace the enriching journey of becoming a school governor."

If you would like to support a school in your area, you can contact Governors for School by email with any questions about getting involved or apply to become a school governor now.

Community volunteering: Leave Liverpool Tidy

Leave Liverpool Tidy leaflet and collection bag being distributed around Liverpool

The Liverpool Guild of Students run Leave Liverpool Tidy, in collaboration with British Heart Foundation and FareShare. It gives opportunities for students, staff, and alumni in the Liverpool area to donate unwanted items (from clothes, books, to cupboard goods) and transform trash into someone else’s treasure. They accept donations, run swap shops and litter picks to support the community, there are lots of ways to get involved with the project and help leave Liverpool shining. There are community outreach days coming up on 27-28th June and 1st July. You can find out more at Leave Liverpool Tidy (

There are many volunteer opportunities available to suit different skillsets, time commitments, and global locations, ranging from ad-hoc to regular commitments. We hope this has provided you with insight and inspiration.

On behalf of the University of Liverpool, we would like to say a big thank you to all volunteers who have given their time to help the University community! Your support has a long-lasting impact and allows our students and our alumni community to thrive.

Join this year’s National Volunteers’ Week by following us on Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn via the University of Liverpool page.

If you would like to find out about the volunteering opportunities available, check out our volunteering offer.