Class of 1973 Biochemistry reunion

This spring, the Alumni Relations Team and the Department of Biochemistry were delighted to welcome back a group of Class of 1973 Biochemistry graduates who returned to the campus to celebrate 50 years since their graduation.
The group enjoyed a light lunch in the Guild of Students and was joined by the Head of Department, Professor Pat Eyers, and colleagues from the Department of Biochemistry, as well as a couple of current students and members of the Alumni Relations Team. This offered a great opportunity for alumni to reconnect with one another, meet current members of staff and students, and learn about how the University and the Department have changed since they were students. Attendees travelled from different parts of the world to attend the reunion and, while not everyone could make it in person, one alumna was able to join the lunch virtually from Australia!

The group then headed to the Life Sciences Building, where they joined current students for an interesting lecture on plant biotechnology for sustainability and climate change resilience. Professor Eyers and colleagues then put together a fantastic tour of the building, including the roof where the greenhouses are and the laboratories with their state-of-the-art equipment, as well as presentations on the current priorities and developments in the Department. Attendees enjoyed learning about how the Biochemistry curriculum has changed over the years – for example, reunion organiser Ameae was excited to hear about the expansion of the biological and biomedical research facilities.
Attendees enjoyed visiting the campus again and reminiscing with friends and, in particular, Ameae commented: “It was a great walk down memory lane. Some of the group had been back relatively recently but others not for 50 years. We enjoyed visiting old haunts on and around the campus […], and we very much enjoyed hearing how the educational program and research foci have changed since our time.”
The group continued their reunion with activities off campus planned by the two reunion organisers Ameae and Peter, including an evening meal at a local Italian restaurant and more activities the following day.
Attendees had a great time and the Alumni Relations Team would like to thank colleagues in the Department who offered their invaluable support and contributed to such a successful reunion.
Are you in still in regular contact with peers from your year? If so, let us know! We want to hear your stories about staying connected since your time at the University of Liverpool. Get in touch with the Alumni team via: