Volunteer Spotlight: Robin Hargreaves, Chair of ULVAA

Nominations opened last week for some key positions in the University of Liverpool Veterinary Alumni Association (ULVAA) Committee, including the role of Chair of the Committee, currently held by Robin Hargreaves (BVSc 1985). In this Volunteer Spotlight, Robin talks about his role in the Committee and shares his favourite moments as a member.
When did you join the Committee and what inspired you to become part of it?
I joined the Committee in 2017 as Chair after being invited by Harvey Lock and John Tandy, and have remained in that post ever since. They both had done so much for the Association over so many years, whilst I had been a member, that I thought I ought to do my bit. I had been involved with BVA and, through that, I knew the importance of colleagues being there to support each other.
What has being ULVAA’s Chair entailed and how have you liked the role so far?
Being Chair has been a pleasure. The main responsibility is to chair meetings and, with such an enthusiastic and good humoured committee, that is both enjoyable and fascinating. Also, I represent the Association at some Vet School and University events, which are not obligatory but are fun when you are able to attend. The superb support we enjoy from the University's Alumni Team means that there is a modest time requirement between meetings or events.
What is your favourite part of being a member of the Committee?
I particularly enjoy staying in touch with the students, realising what is different and what is very much the same as our experience at the Vet School, along with being constantly in touch with developments, current and in the pipeline, for veterinary education in Liverpool and at Leahurst.
Do you have one or two highlights you would like to share from activities, events or, more in general, connecting with alumni?
An absolute highlight every year is to introduce an esteemed alumnus or alumna to present the Barrie Edwards Memorial Lecture, where we can remind alumni of the influence that University of Liverpool graduates have in the world, both in animal welfare and beyond. That vies with selecting the John Tandy Student of the Year Award each year from nominations from the students themselves. Those nominations always astound us when we see what extracurricular responsibilities are taken on, considering the pressure current students are under.
What inspires you to give your time to the University community?
I loved my time at the University of Liverpool. Work with the Association is a constant reminder that we share a common thread, and through volunteering we help to keep it intact.
The Alumni Relations Team would like to thank Robin for all his work with the Committee over the past six years, supporting the alumni community and leading the Association. Thank you!
After supporting the Association for many years, Robin’s term is finishing this year and the Association are now looking for a new Chair. If you would like to nominate yourself for the position, submit your nomination by Sunday 21 May 2023.