Volunteer Spotlight: Nicola Beesley, ULVAA Communications Officer

Nominations opened last week for several key positions in the University of Liverpool Veterinary Alumni Association (ULVAA) Committee, including the role of Communications Officer, currently held by Nicola Beesley (BVSc MSc 2009, PhD 2016). In this Volunteer Spotlight, Nicola tells us about her favourite moments and her responsibilities as a member of the Committee.
When did you join the Committee and what inspired you to become part of it?
I think (it has been so long!) I joined the Committee in 2013. I was inspired to get involved because when I was a student I wasn't really aware of what the Alumni Committee did and I wanted to improve the links we had with the student body.
What has being ULVAA’s Communications Officer entailed and how have you liked the role so far?
My main role as Communications Officer has been to oversee our newsletters, our website and our social media offerings – this has been quite a task, and in recognition of this, we have made the decision to split the role and have a dedicated Social Media Officer. I've also enjoyed building links with the current students.
What is your favourite part of being a member of the Committee?
My favourite part of being a member of the Committee is meeting students and other alumni at events, the shared experience of Vet School at Liverpool is able to connect everyone no matter when you graduate(d).
Do you have one or two highlights you would like to share from activities, events or, more in general, connecting with alumni?
For many years we held a drinks reception at BSAVA congress. At our last reception held pre-Covid, word spread so much that I ran out of drinks vouchers for attendees and had to improvise new ones, luckily the Association picked up the tab!
The first Careers Fair I was involved in organising was also a memorable event; seeing all the talks, CV clinic participants, and exhibitors come together was a great experience – all the planning in the Hinderton Arms with the students was worth it, and we still aim to be involved with the Careers Fair as much as possible.
Lastly, attending graduation to greet all the new members of the alumni community – it gives me goosebumps hearing all the graduating students reciting the declaration for admittance to the Royal College in the same way that I did.
What inspires you to give your time to the University community?
Nothing compares to your time at Vet School, and I feel the Alumni Association Committee is an important vehicle to help maintain links between alumni, the School and the vets of the future.
The Alumni Relations Team is extremely grateful for Nicola’s support, attention to detail, reliability and unwavering commitment – thank you for all your hard work!
After supporting the Association for a decade, Nicola’s term is finishing this year and the Association are now looking for two new members for the roles of Communications Officer and Social Media Officer. If you would like to nominate yourself for the positions, submit your nomination by Sunday 21 May 2023.