In Memoriam: Brian Harold Dawkes (BVSc 1960)

(b) 1936, (q) 1960, Died November 17 2020
Brian Dawkes was born in Liverpool and grew up in the West Derby area of the City, within walking distance of the well established veterinary practice of Sumner and Highet. He attended the Holt High School and entered the Liverpool Veterinary School in 1955 and qualified in 1960.
In the year was a group of nine males who shared common social interests and became firm and lasting friends. Brian was a pivotal member of that group, mainly due to his knowledge of the local scene. Brian and I saw practice in the Oswestry practice of Wyse and Partners and when Brian qualified it was a natural move for him to become an assistant there. He then moved on to practice in Mold. Following a move to the Barclay-Moore practice in Whitchurch, Brian took over the running of the Wem branch and became a partner. He developed an interest in pig medicine and his expertise was widely sought. However, as the farm animal side of the practice was reduced, he then expanded the small animal side of the practice, where he remained in practice until his retirement.
Brian was the classical general practitioner dedicated to providing a service to his clientele.
Away from work he enjoyed fly fishing, working his Labrador dog, playing some golf, and also got a thrill out of performing in amateur dramatics. In recent years, in retirement, he became involved in the activities of his parish church in Weston-under-Redcastle, and many parishioners filled the limited space at his remembrance service.
We extend our sympathy to Annie, to whom he was married for more than 30 years, his two sons, Hugh and Bill (from his earlier marriage to Mary, now deceased), and their families.
Ron Jones FRCVS OBE (BVSc 1960), Maurice Allen MRCVS (BVSc Hons 1960, PhD 1985), Bas Hardy MRCVS (BVSc 1960)