Class of 1972 German reunion

During April, Class of 1972 German alumni gathered in Liverpool to celebrate 50 years since their graduation.
The group first reunited in Liverpool in 1987 for their 15th anniversary and, since then, they have established the tradition of 5-year reunions, which have culminated this year with their “Golden” 50th celebration.
A majority of the cohort was able to attend celebratory events held in Liverpool on Friday 22 and Saturday 23 April, when the group was able to renew its acquaintance with both the University and the City.
With the support of the Department of Languages, Cultures and Film, a visit was arranged to the Language Lounge on Abercromby Square, where the group was joined by current students and Dr Lyn Marven, Senior Lecturer in German, and heard first-hand about the current curriculum and student projects, new extra-curricular opportunities that are now available, as well as how student life has changed in the past fifty years. Student Ambassadors Alice and Amber prepared an engaging presentation for the group, in which they talked about the online student newspaper they founded, Scausländer.
The reunion concluded with a celebratory meal at a local Chinese restaurant, also attended by contemporary member of staff, Lin Harrison.
Reunion organiser Paul Mitchell, who has co-ordinated the reunions over the years said: “Members of the group got on really well together during our studies and have always kept in touch with each other, despite our wide geographical dispersal. We remain grateful to the University for the opportunities it gave us to acquire and develop a wide range of skills which served us well in our subsequent varied careers. Equally, the City of Liverpool was, and continues to be, a great place to be a student!”.
Are you in still in regular contact with peers from your year? If so, let us know! We want to hear your stories about staying connected since your time at the University of Liverpool. Get in touch with the Alumni team via: