Spotlight on School of Health Sciences and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Helen Orton, Academic Lead for CPD at the School of Health Sciences, gives an overview of the CPD opportunities open to all healthcare professionals in the new academic year.
The School is renowned for its provision of a range of undergraduate programmes in nursing, occupational therapy, orthoptics, physiotherapy, radiography (diagnostic and therapeutic) and a number of pre-registration MSc programmes (mental health nursing, diagnostic radiography, occupational therapy and physiotherapy).
In addition, the School offers a diverse range of continuing professional development opportunities by way of level 7 credit-bearing modules which can be taken as standalone or part of MSc programmes.
As the academic lead for CPD, Helen works collaboratively with local and regional stakeholders (NHS partners, workforce transformational and professional leads) to develop our CPD to ensure that our CPD portfolio is current, credible and is responsive to the market and healthcare organisations’ and professionals’ CPD needs locally and nationally, and which is also attractive to healthcare practitioners, internationally. Furthermore, we believe that the provision of CPD will help with the retention of NHS staff through what has, and continues to be, challenging and turbulent times, so that they feel valued in their individual roles in delivering safe and effective healthcare.
Within the School, we have some exciting developments which represent the healthcare challenges of our ageing population Advances in healthcare are helping people to live longer with the accompanying implications of more complex healthcare needs such as frailty and visual pathology and associated visual loss, both of which have a significant impact on an individual’s quality of life. Subsequently, two modules Frailty and the Older Person have been developed and are designed to attract a diverse range of professions including nurses, allied health professions (such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and dietitians), paramedics, physician associates, social workers and assistant practitioners, all from a wide range of health care settings (primary, community, secondary and mental health care). In addition, to address the acute shortage of ophthalmic specialists, two modules in Ophthalmic Nursing Practice are also in development. The delivery of the first Frailty and the Older Person module and Ophthalmic Nursing Practice modules are due to commence at the end of September 2022.
The School also offers non-credit bearing CPD by way of study days, for example:
The Liverpool Arthroplasty Image Interpretation Course, to be held on 8 & 9 September in Liverpool, is a 2-day course delivered by subject matter experts, and which will attract both physiotherapy and nursing practitioners working in the field of arthroplasty.
For therapy radiographers, we are offering a MR Anatomy for Therapy Radiographers which is always evaluated well and dates are being planned for more during the next academic year.
For more details of our CPD offer, please visit our CPD website.
Should you wish to discuss CPD options in terms of the availability and content of modules, suitability of modules for your professional development and bespoke CPD, please contact Helen Orton via email at
Our postgraduate programmes attract a diverse range of healthcare professionals and are therefore facilitate interprofessional collaborative learning and include:
- MSc Advanced Practice in Healthcare;
- MSc Advanced Clinical Practitioner (Apprenticeship);
- MSc Cancer Care;
- MSc Nursing;
- PG Certificate in Critical Care;
- PG Certificate in Therapeutic Radiography and Oncology;
- MSc Radiotherapy.
Details of the programmes are available here.
For further information, please email:
We look forward to hearing from you.
Helen Orton, Academic Lead for CPD, School of Health Sciences