Liverpool Medical Students Society: embracing a new year of opportunities

Newly elected Liverpool Medical Students Society President, Chloe McGrath shares the society’s plans for the year, including a grand Alumni Ball in March.
"I’ve known about the LMSS since my first week of first year and have been hooked ever since! I have always been encouraged by how welcoming everyone was and feel extremely lucky to have had this opportunity and to have met some of my closest friends through the society. Hopefully this is something I can help many others achieve as President.
Members of LMSS in front of the Liver Building, Liverpool
We have so many exciting plans this year, and it has been an incredibly busy start to the term, with everyone making the most of the society’s first in-person events in almost two years.
We kicked off the term with our LMSS Freshers Week which started with our traditional, prank lecture at the Freshers Fair. Previous LMSS Treasurer and Liverpool alumnus, Dr Eddie Lane, delivered a lecture on the harsh realities of life as student doctor. The look on the students’ faces when we revealed that you do not have to revise 6 am - 10 pm was priceless.
The jam-packed fresher’s week also included our famous bus tour, which had over 200 year one students joining us this year! Along with a mentor-mentee evening for first and second years and a brand-new guided tour of Liverpool.
The society successfully completed the Yorkshire 3 Peaks challenge
We have continued to raise money for local charities Claire House and Wirral Mind. Our charity reps, Michael and Jacques along with a troop of student doctors completed the Yorkshire 3 Peaks challenge raising over £9,000.
LMSS taking part in the Medics vs Dentists vs Vets Sports Day
We recently held a Medics vs Dentists vs Vets Sports Day. The Medics came out on top! Alongside the sports, we ran a foodbank drive, filling a car full of non-perishable goods. It was a great day with a further £800 raised for Trussell Trust.
We have also held lots of social events, with our recent Charity Dinner raising over £1,000 for Refugee Women Connect. The ordinary meetings have returned to their home in the Jack Leggett lecture theatre, with some distinguished speakers such as Professor Colm O’Mahony and Professor Tom Solomon giving very entertaining talks. If you are interested in speaking at a similar event, then please reach out to us!
And that’s just to get started! We have so many more exciting things planned this year – one of which is our Alumni Ball which we will be holding on Saturday 5th March 2022, at the Royal Liver Building. Tickets are now on sale through our website. Please share the date with your fellow Alumni, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Follow us on social media @lmssonline for regular updates or visit our website, where you can also support us through our Alumni Donation scheme."
Chloe McGrath – LMSS President
Dean of the Medical School, Professor Hazel Scott said: “LMSS played such an important part in supporting students and keeping the School community united and entertained last year through national lockdowns and online learning. I am delighted to see them building on this as a new academic year begins and they seek to connect with the modern diverse community of students in the School with such a wide range of activities that will enrich the student experience for so many of our student doctors. I look forward to continuing to work closely with the society this year, and seeing the fruits of their labours – be that in fundraising efforts, sports tournaments or through their varied calendar of events both academic and extra-curricular.”
There are lots of medical societies in operation at the University of Liverpool, all of which run a varied calendar of events and activities that help enrich the student experience, support student doctors in their studies and provide excellent opportunities for them to dive deeper into specialties and areas of interest. Browse through the wide selection of societies set up and run by student doctors on the School of Medicine website, many of which offer opportunities for you to connect and get involved as School of Medicine alumni.