Welcoming the Class of 2021 into our Alumni Community

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You did it!

While graduating from the University of Liverpool may mark the end of one journey, it also marks the beginning of a new adventure.

Our Class of 2021 have proven themselves to be one of the most resilient graduating cohorts. Completing your degree despite having two years impacting by the COVID 19 pandemic has been an impressive achievement, and we’re incredibly proud of every single one of you.

In the run up to graduation, we asked our Alumni community what advice they would give to the Class of 2021 and here is what they had to say:


Carry on learning, being curious, exercising your mind... none of that should stop after graduation when you are no longer studying to complete a degree.

Just because you’ve graduated, that doesn’t mean the learning stops. As a graduate, you are entitled to a number of Study discounts, from short courses to postgraduate degrees and access free online journals and University libraries. 

My advice would be if you aren't enjoying what you are doing don’t be afraid to change track completely, no matter how frightening that may be.Don’t expect it always to be easy. Keep working at it and keep trying different ways of achieving your goals, you’ll find a way.It's all a journey. There will be bumps in the road. There will be uphills and downhills, headwinds and tailwinds. Don't let these stop you, keep pushing.Try and find your purpose. It may take a while, but that's OK. If you can combine your purpose that is aligned with your job, fantastic things will happen (and you'll get paid for it).

Your alumni journey starts today! Our alumni community is always there to help, whether it’s on our official University of Liverpool Alumni LinkedIn group, or on Liverpool Connect where thousands of graduates are there to support you at any stage in your career!

If something doesn't work out - move on; don't waste your time on people, places or jobs that don't It's an ending, but also a new beginning - it's all transferable and your degree definitely doesn't limit where you will go - don't worry, you're well-placed to roll with the changes the future will bring!

Don’t forget that support is there for Your Future. It's a new way for you to stay connected, build the right skills and experiences, and hear first about exclusive career opportunities in Liverpool, the UK, and beyond. It's been a tough year, but you have seen it through. Your future is bright, and we're so glad you made it!

Pass on your learning and your knowledge as your legacy - pass on your skills to the next generation, we are a team on this earth after all.

Our alumni are our greatest ambassadors and by sharing your skills and expertise you can make a real difference to the next generation of Liverpool Alumni.

Congratulations to all of our 2021 graduates, we're so proud of you! You can watch the 2021 graduation ceremonies online now and we can't wait to welcome you and the Class of 2020 back to campus for in-person celebrations due to take in the next academic year.