Bringing the World to Liverpool - India

The latest event in the Bringing the World to Liverpool series took place on Thursday 30th July with the emphasis this time on graduates working in India. Over 120 current students, graduates and offer holders signed up to listen to the four graduate panel members, who were able to share their insights on their career since graduating from the University of Liverpool
All the panel members were from varied backgrounds and have gone on to do achieve some fantastic things since leaving University. Each speaker was extremely engaging and generated some really interesting questions from the audience which led to some brilliant pieces of advice from the panel. The four panellists were:
- Nirav Tanna (BA Accounting and Finance 2017) – Global Data Analyst at Bloomberg LP
- Sanket Khanolkar (MBA Entrepreneurship 2008) - COO at SecurityHQ
- Vibha Vasuki (LLM(T)International Human Rights Law 2018) – Human Rights Lawyer
- Vaidehi Vaidya (MBA Football Industries 2013) - Founder MD at Women in Sport, India
Panel member Nirav Tanna commented “I think if I were to go back to the highly anxious time just before starting University, an event like this would have been a gem - in that I would have had so many questions about housing, University life, job prospects and just the city of Liverpool answered. I'm glad we can give new prospective students the benefit of learning from our experiences as Indian students studying at Liverpool."
If you were unable to attend the event you can watch a recording via the following link. Access Password: Qv3udg6.
During these uncertain times, the Careers and Employability and Development and Alumni Relations Teams will be planning similar events in the future to help keep students and graduates connected. For future events and invites, look out for upcoming emails or keep up to date with activities via @LivUniAlumni on our social media channels.