Bringing the World to Liverpool

Between 12 – 19 June 2020, the Careers and Employability and Development and Alumni Relations Teams collaborated to deliver nine webinars called ‘Bringing the World to Liverpool’, showcasing alumni stories from across the world. Promoted to current students and graduates, these webinars aimed to highlight the global footprint of the University of Liverpool and to provide sector, career and life insights for the countries that the alumni were based in or had worked previously.
The events included prominent alumni delivering career talks to current students and recent graduates, allowing them time to ask panel members any questions they had. Of the nine events, three took place in the UK, two in China and one each in Singapore/Malaysia, Nigeria, Europe and North America.
In the current climate, the series was a great way of connecting with students and recent graduates around the globe. In total over 600 students and graduates signed up for the events helping to make the events extremely engaging, with panel members being asked many interesting questions about their careers. Current student Georgie Lamb commented: “Thank you to the Alumni and Careers Teams for making the webinars possible and of course to the alumni for sharing their inspiring experiences and advice! Key takeaway for me: regardless of if you work in SMEs or global brands - remain curious and open minded, don't be afraid to be yourself, and keep learning!”
Recent law graduate Naomi McFadden (LLB Law 2017) added: “It was great to attend my first alumni event since leaving Liverpool 3 years ago. A common theme among the panellists, which I definitely agree with, was that most of us take away the skills we learnt through the opportunities and events offered to us alongside our degree. Societies, volunteering, work experience and networking. Current students, see what your careers service has to offer and use it!”
It was fantastic to welcome so many fantastic graduates back to contribute to this new project. One of the panel members from the North American event Dr Simon Waddington (BSc Physics 1985) said: “It's great that you are doing these events. It's a tough time with COVID and the students need all the support they can get. So, thanks for all the help you are giving them!”
During these uncertain times, the Careers and Employability and Development and Alumni Relations Teams are keen to plan similar events in the future to help keep students and graduates connected. For future events and invites, look out for upcoming emails or keep up to date with activities via University of Liverpool Alumni social media pages.