School of Law and Social Justice welcomes Hilary Heilbron QC to campus

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Hilary Heilbron QC sat at a table with her books stacked on it

The University of Liverpool’s School of Law and Social Justice was pleased to welcome Hilary Heilbron QC to campus to deliver a talk about her book Rose QC The Remarkable Story of Rose Heilbron: Trailblazer and Legal Icon, a biography about her late mother, and university alumna, Dame Rose Heilbron QC (LLB 1935).

Rose graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1935 and became one of the two first women King’s Counsel (later Queen’s Counsel) in 1949 and the first senior woman Judge in England in 1956 when she became Recorder of Burnley.

Hilary stood at the front of the room delivering a speech to staff and students

Rose’s daughter, Hilary, herself a barrister and Queen’s Counsel, detailed Rose’s illustrious career which spanned nearly 50 years. Through her success against the odds Rose excelled as an advocate and lawyer in a time when women were not welcomed into the legal profession and broke down many barriers becoming a pioneer for women at the English Bar.

Hilary presented a detailed account of her mother’s professional successes and challenges in a room filled with students and staff, answering questions about her mother’s courageousness in the face of adversity as well as enquiries about her own career journey.

The event culminated with the official handover of a selection of Rose’s undergraduate notebooks, donated by Hilary to the University Archives. Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor Fiona Beveridge who attended the event, was delighted to accept Hilary’s kind donation and expressed thanks for these fantastic historical items that will be available for members of the University community to view for years to come.

Hilary Heilbron QC and Professor Fiona Beveridge stood in front of a projection of Rose Heilbron QC hold Rose's udnergraduate notebooks


Rose QC The Remarkable Story of Rose Heilbron: Trailblazer and Legal Icon is published by Hart Publishing and available to buy now.