Sloman Loungers return to campus for their annual reunion

This autumn saw a group of alumni called the ‘Sloman Loungers’ return to Liverpool for their annual reunion. A group of Physicists from the 1960’s, the group named themselves the Sloman Loungers after spending time as students in the Sloman Lounge of the Guild of Students while undertaking their studies. The name stuck and they’re still in touch over 50 years later.
The reunion began with a visit to the University of Liverpool campus. After meeting in The Waterhouse Café in the Victoria Gallery & Museum, the group were given a tour of the School of Engineering by academic staff Steven Bode and Roy Coates.
The next two hours were filled with visits to the state-of-the-art flight simulators, where the group learnt about the rigorous research undertaken by skilled experts in the aeronautical disciplines of flight dynamics, control, simulation, computational aerodynamics, aeroelasticity and handling qualities.
Reunion organiser Keith Wigley said of the weekend: “We Slomans had a superb weekend reunion in Liverpool. Everything went really well and, yet again, our eyes were opened on an area of the university about which we knew very little. And in particular, it's interesting to see the different teaching methods used nowadays, when compared with what we experienced in the mid-1960s”.
The group continued their weekend with a wealth of activity based across the city, visiting the Maritime Museum and the Western Approaches (Battle of Atlantic) Museum, making sure to save plenty of time to enjoy the various eateries that that Liverpool has to offer.
Are you in still in regular contact with peers from your year? If so, let us know! We want to hear your stories about staying connected since your time at the University of Liverpool. Get in touch with the Alumni team via: