Alumni volunteers help to kick-start the new academic year

Since the end of summer, the University of Liverpool has been awash with activity; from new students familiarising themselves with campus life and their course, to returning students and staff adjusting to the rhythm of a new academic year.
Our committed alumni volunteers have helped kick-start this activity by donating their time and contributing to University life in a variety of ways. Read on to find out more about what our fantastic volunteers have been up to, how their time has impacted on our students and how you can get involved!
Since the beginning of August there have been 11 class year reunions. Our alumni reunion organisers have helped bring more than 150 people back to campus to reconnect and reminisce. With support from the Alumni Relations team, alumni from a wealth of disciplines have reunited to visit their old departments, catch up with staff and find out what’s changed at the University since their time here.
Alumni have volunteered and offered their support for the many guest lecture series that happen across campus. From the Liverpool School of Architecture to School of the Arts, alumni have delivered insightful and inspiring lectures to hundreds of students about their career journeys, the challenges they’ve overcome and what the true value of having a University of Liverpool degree is
Our ‘Meet the Graduates’ events have brought students and alumni together for fantastic networking sessions. Utilising our talented alumni who have graduated within the last five years has really helped to demonstrate the wide variety of careers that our alumni go on to have, broadening the horizon for our current students in their own career goals.
Alumnus Dr Ray Costello (MEd 1988, PhD 1992) joined the University of Liverpool’s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Staff Network as the keynote speaker for their flagship Black History Month event. Dr Costello delivered a brilliant talk about his decades-long research into the contributions of soldiers of African descent during the First World War and how this lead to him writing his latest book, Black Tommies: British Soldiers of African Descent in the First World War.
The University of Liverpool Veterinary Alumni Association (ULVAA) hosted a drinks receptions at the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Congress as well as the British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA) Congress. These receptions have connected alumni from across the veterinary profession and provided an opportunity to find out more about future events ULVAA have planned.
Finally, on 27 October the country celebrated National Mentoring Day. This was a chance to celebrate the contributions of people who take the time to be mentors, providing vital guidance and advice. Many of our alumni are mentors to current students, from the Law Professional Mentoring Programme to our online eNetworking and mentoring platform Liverpool Connect. It’s never too late to become a mentor yourself or even find a mentor!
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank every single alumni volunteer who has given even five minutes of their time to helping the University of Liverpool and we look forward to welcoming new volunteers in the future!
For further information about volunteering and the opportunities on offer get in touch via: or visit our volunteering pages on the alumni website.