Reunion group recalls the days of Pink Floyd and lecture hall explosions

A group of three alumni who studied Mathematics and Mathematics and Computational Science reunited to celebrate the 50th anniversary of beginning their undergraduate studies at the University of Liverpool.
John Kynaston, Matthew Rooum and Trevor Williams began their studies in October 1969 and have kept in touch over the years. They met again last August in Romsey, a historic market town in Hampshire.
They started off their reunion with a pub lunch at The Luzborough, catching up and reminiscing about their undergraduate years. They said: “We talked about why we chose to study at Liverpool and our experiences in various types of accommodation, including halls of residence, digs and bed-sits. Freshers’ Week was mentioned as were societies that we joined; one of us, Trevor, was so taken up with this activity that he missed the first few lectures!
“We also recalled attending week-long Maths Summer Schools which helped improve exam performance. These were held in a hall of residence and gave those of us who only had outside accommodation (John and Trevor) an experience of hall life.
“Morning sessions tended to be somewhat challenging after a drink or two the night before and staying up late to play bridge! Finding out our exam results involved the quaint practice of visiting the Chemistry building, by Crown Street, where they were posted on the ground-floor windows to be viewed from outside.”
In the early afternoon, they left The Luzborough pub and continued their reminiscences while walking round the sights of Romsey. They said: “Leisure activities were recalled, including talks given to π-Soc (the Mathematical Society) by interesting outside speakers. One of these was the famous ‘Blaster Bates’ who, at the start of the talk, positioned a number of small fulminate-of-mercury charges along the front row. These exploded randomly during the lecture and kept audience members on their toes.
“Inevitably, other entertainment involved going to discos and concerts which were held frequently in the Mountford Hall. Many famous groups appeared there and Trevor remembers seeing Pink Floyd and their famous laser light show.”
After graduation, John Kynaston went on to become a chartered accountant and, later, a part-time lecturer and assessor for the Association of Accounting Technicians. Matthew Rooum became an IT Specialist in the retail sector and Trevor Williams worked as a University Researcher and defence-sector employee.
The group are considering having a larger reunion in a few years’ time with other fellow Mathematics graduates to celebrate the anniversary of their graduation in 1972 and involve classmates they have lost touch with.
If you would like to organise a reunion for your own class year, attend an event or come back and visit campus, you can contact the Alumni Relations team via: and we will be happy to help.