Class of 1969 Law celebrates 50 year reunion

The Class of 1969 Law marked half a century since graduating from the University of Liverpool by reuniting in the city to celebrate this special milestone.
Almost 50 years to the exact date that they graduated, the 26 alumni and their partners came together to reminisce and make new memories with a special dinner held in the historic Athenaeum Club.
Reunion organiser, His Honour Nicholas Coleman said of the occasion: “There were 72 Law graduates who graduated on July 10th 1969. Sadly, 11 have passed on and many cannot be found but those who were able to attend enjoyed a wonderful reunion to celebrate ‘50 Years On.’ Enormous thanks to Joe Kieran for his time to research to connect with our class year, The Athenaeum for the venue and dinner and a special thanks to Paul Rew, who provided a glorious tour de l’horizon, re-visiting undergraduate life in Liverpool in the late 1960s. It was a great occasion.”
If you would like to organise a reunion, we can help you get in touch with your old classmates and guide you through the process. Please email: or call us on 0151 795 4639.
Photo above (left to right) Front Row: Michael Bray, Gabbie Bray, Maura Logan, Joe Kieran, HH Nick Coleman, Elaine Watson, Carol Scholes. Second Row: Rob Anthony, Mrs Anthony, HH Robert Atherton, Mrs Haig, Robin Haig. Third Row: Paul Rew, Howard Bentham QC, Martin Turner, Peter Richards, Berwyn Edwards, Peter Ridgway, Alan Morris, Des Parry, HH Keith Armitage QC, HH Nick Browne QC, HH Nigel Gilmour QC, Joel Katiff, Victor Welsh, HH David Hale, Julian Linskill.