Supporting the vets of the future

This year, the Liverpool University Veterinary Society (LUVS) and the University of Veterinary Alumni Association hosted a careers fair for students at Leahurst. In a new format, the careers fair included talks, exhibitions and interactive workshops for students.
Various sectors of the veterinary profession were covered so as well as advice about working as an equine, farm or small animal vet, students also gained an insight into working in laboratories, for the government, and as a researcher. Speakers were asked to answer three questions in their talks: What does your job entail? How did you get into your chosen career? Why should we consider a similar career?
We were pleased that many of these talks were given by alumni from the University, and we also welcomed a number of alumni as exhibitors. Ben Sweeney (BVSc 2008) founder and Director of Simply Locums said: “It was such a privilege to be able to come back to the best Vet School in the world and share the experiences that this amazing profession has afforded me and all that the current and future undergraduates have ahead of them. It is great for Simply Locums to be able to draw on real life experiences and help them find their own #vethappy.”
The interactive workshops were also a huge hit. These were tailored specifically for the students and so this year included a workshop on interviews, working abroad and one-to-one CV clinics ran throughout the day. Again, many alumni helped with these sessions. Charlotte Norman, a fourth year veterinary student said: “Learning about career options is integral for students in their clinical years. These sessions were really helpful to help me prepare for applying for jobs.”
Big congratulations to LUVS for organising such a successful event. A whole host of volunteers kept the day running smoothly and ensured there was a constant supply of tea and coffee for the exhibitors but special mentions to Imogen Frame, Charlotte Norman, Maisie Gardener and Molly Jones who organised all the logistics of the day.
LUVS would also like to thank everyone that gave their time and got involved in making the day a success whilst sharing their love of the veterinary industry. A similar event will be running next year on 24 May 2019. If you are interested in exhibiting or helping with CV clinics, please get in touch by completing this form and we’ll be in touch.